Paraffin wax is used in sub acute and chronic traumatic and inflammatory conditions. It is especially useful in R.A. Factors and arthritis of distal extremities since the wax envelops all the contours of a distal joint.
Short wave diathermy (SWD) has a wide range of applications in post traumatic and operative disorders and a number of inflammatory and painful conditions.
Ultrasound therapy (U.S.) helps relieve pain in different types of arthritis, bursitis, myalgia, tendinitis, synovitis, old scar tissues etc. ultrasound therapy is used in treatment of muscle spasms by providing deep heat micro-massage and electrical stimulation simultaneously.
Electro current therapy. The current types for electrotherapy and electro diagnostic applications include;
Faradic and galvanic current is used as unipolar or bipolar stimulation in peripheral nerve injuries, polyneuritis and in treating atrophy and helps venous and lymphatic drainage.