Manual Physiotherapy
Manual Physiotherapy is a specialized branch of Physiotherapy where in assessment and manual physiotherapy of ailment is carried out manually by the Physiotherapist. It is application of accurately determined and specifically directed manual force to the body in order to improve mobility in area that are restricted as in joint, connective tissue or skeletal muscle.
Manual Physiotherapy approaches healing from both; a structural perspective and functional methodology. SK Physiotherapy Clinic provides best manual therapy treatment under professional therapist. This means Manual Therapy addresses pain, dysfunction, disease and disabilities by seeking the cause of these challenges. Potential for function can remerge only after determining the causes and their treatment.
Manual Physiotherapy introduces new concept to the body giving the opportunity to heal itself. It adds, “Life to years” as opposed to. “Years to life”. In manual Physiotherapy, we stick to the notion that positive environment plus positive attitude and equally positive result.
The main purpose of this intervention is to reduce skeletal soft tissue pain, increase range of motion of Hypo -mobile joint, to realign the altered biomechanical or faulty posture with a safe and logical approach.
We believe that human touch is considered crucial in speeding patient’s healing and it is an essential ingredient to our evaluation, care plans and rehabilitation protocol.